Articles by admin

Zoom Data Concerns

Why has Zoom found itself as the subject of a backlash over an online update to its terms related to AI, what its response has been, plus what this says about how businesses feel about AI.

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Opting Out Of AI-Targeting

The EU’s new Digital Services Act allows social media users to opt out of AI personalised content feeds based on relevance.

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Hands On Our Best Bits – Issue 28

Our latest offering of IT news, tech tips and dates for your diary including how AI captured 300 motorists in the first 3 days of operation, the best ways to protect your staff and business during the holidays, what trainers made from gold has got anything to do with IT, how to check if your passwords have been leaked and the exact date of National Iguana Awareness Day (because we know you’ve been asking)!

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Subscription Sales Scrutiny

If you’ve ever bought something online from a company like Amazon and wondered how you’ve ended up with a subscription for services that you’re unsure about, our Featured Article this week may shed some light for you.

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iPhone Battery Risk Warning

Apple has issued a warning to iPhone users about the dangers of practices like charging a phone under a blanket or pillow at night, risking overheating and posing a fire risk.

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From Twitter to ? – What Happened?

Rebranding for Twitter, given its high profile and what’s at stake, could be seen as a high-risk move, or an opportunity to move forward in a new and better direction.  But rebranding can have both positive and negative outcomes for companies. Here are some of the main strengths and weaknesses of rebranding…

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