Microsoft has confirmed that it will retire Skype in May 2025, marking the end of an era for the once-revolutionary internet calling service.
Read MoreSoftware
Voice Changers
In this insight, we look at ‘voice changers’, technology that lets users change and disguise their voices in real time and in playback.
Read MoreWhat Is GPL And How Does IT Affect Businesses?
What is GPL and how will it affect your business? Check out our latest tech insight.
Read MoreA Dozen Microsoft Products You May Not Know About
In this insight, we look at a dozen Microsoft products / apps that you may not know much about but could be helpful to your business.
Read MoreDigital Marketing: TikTok Vs YouTube
In this article, we compare TikTok and YouTube platforms and take a look at some of the pros and cons of each.
Read MoreSoftaculous: What Is It And Why Is It Used?
What is Softaculous and why is it used?
Read MoreThe True Cost Of Using Pirated Software
In this article, we look at how the risks to businesses posed by pirated software can far outweigh the benefits of using it, and how you can protect your business from the true costs of pirated software.
Read MoreMost People To Have Digital Wallets By 2026
While some people are busy asking whether we’re seeing the death of cryptocurrencies, a new report says 60% of us will be using digital wallets by 2026. Digital Wallet Usage Driven By ‘Superapps’ A Juniper Research study says that the presence of ‘superapps’ will drive digital wallet use in developing […]
Read MoreGoogle Improves ‘Quoted Search’
Google has made it easier to make quoted searches by adding snippets to search results to help users save time in locating a phrase in a web page. Quoted Searches Quoted Searches are searches where the search term is placed within quotation marks to find an exact match in the […]
Read MoreWhat Is GitHub, GitLab etc?
In this insight, we take a look at what GitHub and GitLab are and why they are important in the world of software development. GitHub, from GitHub Inc., is a not-for-profit website and cloud-based hosting service for open-source development projects – it is the largest open-source host. It helps developers, […]
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