Hands On Our Best Bits! – Issue 4
Hands On Our Best Bits!
Issue 4
Highlighting the security issues faced when accepting connection requests within LinkedIn.

This article is worth a quick read (particularly if you manage your business through LinkedIn).

One of our last ‘How to’ tutorials that we are featuring on our FB page and this one is quite fun.

Worth a watch if you’ve always wanted to know how other users manage to change their backgrounds.

Click on the image for more information.

Phishing scams are one of the easiest threats to prevent if MFA is in place.

Save Energy, Get Greener

The smallest change can make the biggest differences!

Our Service Level Agreement
Our engineers have dealt with a total of 310 raised tickets over the last 30 days with an average response time of 23 minutes and 9 seconds.
Your responses to the surveys we send out after jobs are completed are truly appreciated and the best go on to our testimonial page.

The team particularly like a namecheck (makes them feel special 🥰).

In case you didn’t know this easy shortcut.

Windows Key + D takes you straight to your desktop instead of having to minimise all your open tabs and windows.
In case you’re winding down a little (or a lot) today (not judging 😉), you may want to check out this entertaining website


Warning: a few books may be a bit naughty for work but we’ve not stopped giggling here at Hands On
(particularly the book regarding Lions 😬).

A Couple of Dates For Your Diary
02/06/21 – Leave The Office Early Day
You’re welcome! 😏

04/06/21 – Hug Your Cat Day 🐱
Make sure you wash all subsequent wounds thoroughly afterwards.

17/06/21 – Eat Your Vegetables Day 🥦
Totally recommend this recipe here.

27/06/21 – Pineapple Day
If you like your fruit with a side order of pain, then this is the day for you. 🍍

We’ve got lots more content on our pages, we regularly update and try to keep it informative and amusing – so give us a follow.




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