Hands On Our Best Bits! – Issue 10
Hands On Our Best Bits!
Issue 10

from us all at Hands On IT Services…

The damaging effects of Smishing attacks can be serious and varied, from someone gaining access to your bank accounts or taking over your social media accounts.

Check out the article to learn the warning signs and what steps to take to avoid being Smished!

National Christmas Jumper Day
We proudly wore our best Christmas jumpers in order to raise some money for Save The Children.

Martin also took part whilst working from home and sent us his pic as proof. We had a little fun superimposing him into our team photo 😀.

We all know the pros and cons between working from home and heading to the office, but is one more environmentally friendly than the other?

Click on the image to read the article.

We love our survey responses and our engineers love a namecheck!
This elaborate scam uses social engineering to trick victims into sending the hacker Bitcoin, while holding Instagram accounts hostage.
You can change the incoming message alert sounds from your individual contacts on WhatsApp?

Click on the image ⬅ to find out how.

Do you know how to add a table of contents in Word?

The reality of visiting family at Christmas, as an IT professional…


A Couple of Dates For Your Diary
03/01/22 – Festival of Sleep Day

10/01/22 – Houseplant Appreciation Day
Just a yearly reminder to water your indoor plants! 🌱

20/01/22 – Cheese Lovers Day 🧀
Did you know the official word for a cheese lover is a turophile?
Brie-lieve it or not!

23/01/22 – Pie Day – 🥧

24/01/22 – Compliment Day
Have you done something different with your hair? 😘

We’ve got lots more content on our pages, we regularly update and try to keep it informative and amusing – so give us a follow.




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