Professional IT Support whenever you need it
Break Fix Support Contract
This service is designed to provide a single point of contact for any IT related problems or IT project work so that in effect we can either become your complete IT department or a resource to use as and when required. In most situations we are able to resolve problems remotely but should there be an issue that requires an onsite visit then we will arrange for an engineer to come out on site.
This support service by its nature is completely reactive as we are not monitoring any element of your IT and will simply respond to support requests as and when you make them. With this sort of service, you play a more active role in your own IT but have the peace of mind that in the event of a problem that you cannot deal with you have access to professional help.
Should you wish to add proactivity to this service, we can provide some of our managed services as an add on such as managed Antivirus, system health reporting, proactive maintenance, proactive Windows Patch management, offsite backup, and other security services.
There is no contract to sign as we feel that the onus is upon us to maintain a level of service that you are happy with. You can stop using our services at any time with the only stipulations being that any invoices that have been issued will need to be paid and any banked hours will be lost.
Service Level Agreement
Support hours are between 9.00am and 5.30pm Monday to Friday. Our contractual response time is 4 hours, however we monitor our average response times, and these are updated on our home page every week.
Travel Time
The majority of problems are dealt with remotely, but should we be required to attend site then the call out time would be booked to your contract including the travel to and from site.
There are two options when it comes to paying. 1 – The purchase of a block of hours or 2 – a monthly retainer.
Block Hour Retainer
This is the quickest and easiest way to get started as you simply decide on the number of hours you wish to purchase; we invoice you and the contract goes live once we have received the payment, with the hours sitting banked waiting for you to use them with no expiry time. Time we spend providing support will be deducted by the quarter hour from your banked hours with onsite call outs being booked as 1 hour and thereafter by the quarter hour.
Use our Get A Quote page to calculate what the best support plan for your business would be.
What Happens When The Banked Hours Are Used Up?
Should you exceed the number of hours you have in the bank, we can invoice you at the end of that month for the excess hours at the same discounted rate and end the support service, or you can purchase another block of hours to cover the excess and leave you with time available for future work.
Find out more
If you think this could be the right support plan for you and your business please call us on 020 8649 9911 or email and we’ll be happy to chat. Or take a look at our Fixed Fee Plan here.