If, for whatever reason, installing traditional structured cabling is not possible, there are other alternatives to keep you connected


WiFi has evolved over the years and the stated connection speeds have increased and will continue to increase going forwards.
The main thing to consider here is that the stated connection speed is not necessarily the speed that you will get, as there are many factors that affect WiFi and, in comparison to a wired network, there is a higher risk of problems which is why in all cases we will recommend a wired network as the preferred choice.
However, you can normally provide WiFi coverage from your wired network, enabling the use of tablets and mobile devices around the office, as well as providing internet access to contractors and visitors.
4G mobile broadband

You also have the option of installing mobile broadband, using 4G technology, which can be particularly useful as a backup option if your ISP (internet service provider) is experiencing outage problems.
Wireless expertise

Hands On IT has a great deal of experience working with existing WiFi networks and installing new solutions and having experienced the challenges associated with this technology, we are well placed to advise on the best course of action.
Find out more

Call us on 020 8649 9911 or email info@hoc.co.uk to get started.